


My name is Eddie and i have been reading the tarot for nearly 20 years. As well as giving the basic meanings, I'm also able to pick up on emotions and things at a deeper level. I feel tarot is like a bridge between the earth spiritual plane. I'm also the owner and builder of this site and so am happy to do business as well as relationship readings.

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Thank you Eddie! You always help calm my mind.

I'm very pleased with my reading. It confirmed what my intuition has been telling me in regards to the work I'm doing and how close I am to breaking through some barriers. I also appreciate the new perspective of using my (overwhelming) emotions as fuel for my progress. The Church theme you identified was incredible. I have a history with religion but stepped away for a few years, but had gone to church with a friend the Sunday before I even requested my reading. I appreciate your good will in listening to the vibes and energies around you to help me solidify my decisions and give me advice. I appreciate you!!! I have a feeling I will be back for more readings :)

Tara about listing Personal Video Readings 10 days ago.

Thank you again x

Nicola about listing 10 Card Audio Reading 11 days ago.