


Sam Anne is a Multidimensional Psychic, with strong Clairvoyant, Clairsentient and Clairaudient skills. Direct channelling and timelines from the Spiritual, Galactic and Angelic realms. Egyptian tarot, Psychic Oracle to clarify insight. Always offers free guidance, insight and meditation file.

A lifetime of experience in the holistic industries, over 2 decade's reading professionally for international clientele. Informative and understanding, a certified Reiki Light master, Lifestyle Coach, Intuitive consultant specialising in Galactic DNA activation, Alchemy and philanthropy here on earth, all in the name of Higher Consciousness.

Studying NeuroScience at Harvard, Certified with the (IPHM) International Practitioner's of Holistic Medicine and (BHMA) British Herbal Medicine Association, an Alchemist, with Diplomas in Advanced Botanical medicine.


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11 received reviews (100% positive, 11/11)

Feel loved

Amazing lady and even more amazing reading. My heart will be forever grateful. A true profound moment for me.


Zara about listing MultiDimensional Psychic Reading 1 month ago.

Awesome thanks you so much so very accurate.
