LATEST FREE READING - The card I have in position 1 in your spread is The Hermit, this is a fascinating card as it talks about you having the wisdom within you to make the right choices for yourself. You may find yourself needing to take a bit of time to be alone and to reflect upon where you are and what you are feeling at this time. Sometimes we need that quiet to hear our own inner voice or to see the signs that spirit are trying to give us. This card also suggests that sometimes you may feel a little alone but my guide wants you to know this will not be the case for long, but for now embrace this time as it is a gift that allows you to hear your spiritual guidance.
ABOUT JANE - I am an intuitive tarot reader, I have worked with tarot for many years now and have clients from all over the world. I mainly work with the Faulkner Tarot Deck but I also work with other tarot decks, angel , fairy and oracle cards. I also work a lot with the law of attraction. I aim to give honest and insightful readings to inspire you to go out there and get the life that you want for yourself.
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