
Lauren ❤️

Lauren ❤️


I am a direct descendant of a clan of Celtic witches. My priority is always the truth and clients needs. I am empathic and use personal experience to offer advice alongside of my blessed abilities. I have several psychic gifts including clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and mediumship. I specialise in twin flame and soul mate connections but I also pride myself on the fact I can read across a variety of subjects and link in accurately to your situation. I am available for urgent readings every day and I often mould my readings to client specifications. I also make jewellery and spiritual products.

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458 received reviews (99% positive, 453/458)

Reading was very honest and to point thank you again

Unfortunately we never completed our reading connection. But I found your energy to be honest and sincere. I would love to receive a reading from you in the future.

Donal about listing WILL YOU REUNITE AND WHEN? 1 year ago.
Lauren ❤️