
SATURDAY SPECIAL What are their blockages? Reading + love ritual

Has a connection abruptly ended, have they pulled away or are things at a standstill? Let's find out what the current blockage are and how we can work to try and remove the blockage. I will share images that spirit shares with me along with messages I receive using my tools to help guide you to your highest vibrational message. I work to uplift you and bring you the message you need for clarity.

You will also be given instructions on an energy ritual tailored especially for u and your love situation to perform yourself to help clear these blockages

NOTE: I will answer within 24/48 hours of purchase! I give detailed readings, please be patient and know I will give a thorough response.

  • I am not responsible for choices made by you after this reading. I will not read on pregnancy, health , fertility and legal matters *Readings are for entertainment purposes only.