
Daily Guidance Oracle Email Reading

This is the ideal email reading for those of you seeking daily guidance for a 24 hour period.

I will be using one of my favourite oracle decks - The Wisdom of the Oracle Cards by Colette Baron Reid

Please specify when purchasing if you would like a general reading or perhaps you would like your daily reading to focus on work, relationships or even the spiritual aspects of your life.

Please also let me have your name and date of birth in the format day / month / year.

I will be connecting in with you and pulling 3 cards,
If you also provide your email address I can send you a photo of your cards.

As this is a daily oracle Reading you can expect a quick response ( 1-2 hours)

Please note I do not read on health, pregnancy or legal matters, nor do I give financial advice.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

I look forward to connecting with you and sending you some beautiful inspirational messages from this amazing deck which I hope will guide you during the next 24 hours.

Julia x

You can check out all of my readings here