Sam Anne's abilities encompass Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, a Reiki Light master, Alchemist, and DNA Activator, providing a holistic modern approach to her readings with Spiritual Intelligence.
Intuitive and Spiritually Awareness
Guides and Expertise - with specific guides like ArchAngel Metatron, and Ascended Masters Melchizedek El" or "Elohim, Divine Feminine Sophia, the Greek goddess of mythology archetype of spiritual wisdom, Egyptian Sun God Amon-Ra, Saint Germain known as the Ascended Master who is the keeper of the Sacred Violet Flame of Healing, and his twin flame partner Lady Portia, radiating the energy of justice. Sam Anne offers profound insights into subjects such as Love, Relationships, Work and General life inquiries.
SamAnne harnesses the power of tools such as the Egyptian Tarot, Psychic Oracle and connections with Angelic and Galactic beings to enhance her readings.
A Multifaceted Psychic
Her style is intuitive, direct, and spiritually aware, ensuring her clients receive accurate and meaningful readings.
Secure private Psychic Readings
Sam Anne offers digital Audio file channeled reading sent within 1 hours after receiving the requested information. A light-coded condensed energy transfer:
- Audio Channeled reading
- Written insight
- Psychic oracle clarification
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