
Self Empowerment Email Reading

Is there a situation or situations that you need some clarity on?

For this reading I will be using my very own Self Empowerment Oracle Deck which contains 80 beautiful messages for our modern world.

I will answer your question by pulling 3 cards from The Self Empowerment Oracle which will contain your message and an affirmation for you to work with.

You will always receive honest answers, there’s no sugar coating here!

The Self Empowerment Oracle will always tell you what you NEED to hear rather than what you WANT to hear!

When purchasing this reading please send your questions and any relevant names and dates of birth and if you would like to receive images of your cards please also send me your email address.

It’s more beneficial to ask an Open Question (What do I need to know about ………) rather than a Closed Question (yes / no)

I aim to have this to you within the hour
(6 hrs at most)

Please note I do not read on health, pregnancy or legal matters, nor do I give financial advice. Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

I can’t wait to connect with you 
Julia x

You can view all of my Readings here