
Find out if you have a karmic destiny path to marry your lover

Most astrologers regard a marriage link as being a link between one person's rising or ascendant sign and the other person's Venus - 7th house, house of marriage. This link only really tells you of the potential to marry but not necessarily to any specific person.
My astrological research which has spanned over 49 years now has found that there is a far more reliable link to determine if you will marry a specific person in mind - your present partner/lover perhaps. This is known as a 'karmic marriage link'.
A Karmic marriage link determines whether you have a karmic destiny path to marry a specific known person.
It is only when this link is present that there will be a likelihood of a lifelong marriage.
Only 1% of the world's population of life long couples have a karmic marriage link in their Synastry. (Synastry is astrological love compatibility). But this isn't because there are not enough karmically destined soul mates to go around, it is largely because few people bother to check whether this link is present before they marry and those who marry without this link being present will more often than not face the prospect of a divorce.
It is therefore prudent to check to see if you have a karmic marriage link in the Synastry of you and your partner before you commit to marriage. Divorce is traumatic and also costly on many levels.
Being with the wrong partner can also block out the right one getting in.
If you want to save yourself a trip to heartbreak hotel, please send me the dates of birth of both you and your partner and I will blow your mind with my report on your Synastry.
I can even tell you if you have had an past lives together and give you the exact dates when your lives ended as the couple you once were and this will give you a greater understanding of why you have come back into this incarnation to be together again.
Karmic marriage insight is vital to your understanding of what has brought you together and whether you have a life long future together in this lifetime. Better safe than sorry!
Are you ready for the truth? If so, call me, you will be so glad you did.
I care because you matter.
Love, light & peace,