
Stockholm syndrome Resolution Service by Janey

Janey is a specialist in helping to release people from "Stockholm syndrome".
Victims of Stockholm syndrome 'trauma bond' with their abusers, which makes it all the more dangerous and difficult to resolve, but alas, not impossible.
Janey offers an exclusive, unique and bespoke "Stockholm syndrome Resolution Service", specially created to release victims of Stockholm syndrome from their psychological and emotional imprisonment and to help with the aftermath which, more often than not, sees victims of coercive, Gas lighting and abusive relationships following being trapped in domestic and also corporate Stockholm syndrome scenario's, with post-traumatic stress disorder, caused by having trauma bonded with their captors and abusers.
There are different types of Stockholm syndrome:
Domestic and Emotional Stockholm syndrome - which relates to being trapped in a violent or abusive love relationship with an aggressor and bully.
Corporate Stockholm syndrome which is where you are enslaved in a job you hate and perhaps where your boss is abusing you and preventing you from leaving and moving on.
Spiritual Stockholm syndrome which is where you are enslaved in a religious or spiritual cult you are trapped in.
Financial Stockholm syndrome where you are tied into a financial mess like a massive debt or financial arrangement which is binding you into a financial imprisonment, being a mortgage prisoner is one example of this. Another is a financial contract which is legally biding and seemingly inescapable.
Janey can help you to escape all types of Stockholm syndrome.
This service comes with expert help from Janey by remote influencing for you plus a collection of specialist audios designed to free you from your Stockholm syndrome and help Janey's work for you to a successful conclusion and some written information on how this unique specialist works.
Janey has over 49 years of expertise and success in her work in helping you escape what enslaves and entraps you.
Janey cares because you matter.
Love, light & peace,