
Saturn Return Correction Service By Janey

A Saturn Return phase in your life could make you feel as if you had been cursed and it can be the reason why every aspect of your life and love relationships is in utter chaos.
Janey with her specialist expertise in 'Saturn Return Correction can save your life from the chaos caused by the damaging effects of being in a Saturn Return phase of your life by using remote influencing to quantum leap your mind out of a Saturn Return phase and into the mindset of someone permanently out of a present Saturn Return phase and all future ones. This is a powerful service which works and will have a positive impact on your life both now and in the future.

Is everything in your life chaotic?
Do you feel as if you have been hexed, cursed or had negative black magick spells cast on you?
Losing friends and love partners?
Are you losing friends, having discord from a love partner, estranged from a love partner and desperate for a reunion which seems too far out of reach?

A rut you cannot climb out of
Do you feel as if you are in a rut which you can't climb out of? This is what you can expect in Saturn Return phases.

Blocked career path
Are you struggling in your career, no promotion, no wage rise, career path blocked and with little job satisfaction?

Financial crisis
Are your finances challenged or difficult?
Do you feel as if money slips through your fingers like water or you are not seeing enough money coming in?

Arguments and conflict
Are you getting into arguments and conflict with people, being endlessly misunderstood, having people taking what you say out of context and endlessly criticizing you? Are you losing friends, repelling people from around you, and feeling pushed out, ostracised, losing a lot of people you love to death or conflict? Feeling isolated or pushed out in the cold?

Un-natural number of accidents
Are you having an un-natural number of accidents? Mishaps, falls, car bumps or accidents, setbacks in every aspect of your life and is your life on all levels fraught and severely and relentlessly challenged?

Do any of the above statements/questions resonate with you?
If any of the above statements resonate with you, then it is likely that you are going through what is known as a Saturn Return phase.

The 7 year itch
Saturn Return phases come around every 7 years or so and they start at the age of 7, hence the old adage 'the seven year itch'! (This is according to NASA and contrary to what many astrologers claim by way of them being every 29 years, this is not so).

Saturn Return phases - last 1-3 years, every 7 years and you enter and come out of them 6-12 months either side

Why suffer when Janey can help you?
This services is done remotely by Janey and comes with an audio and information about how the service works.
Janey has over 49 years of expertise in this work and no failures to date.
Janey cares because you matter.
Love, light & peace,