
✨ Twin Flame DNA Activation ✨

✨ Twin Flame channelled insight + DNA Activation ✨

Bespoke exclusive DNA Activation of the Magnetic Divine Feminine + Electric Divine Masculine energy. An activation of your Light Body, Etheric Body (Aura) DNA and Spiritual Cellular Memory, to enable the Human Avatar to hold higher vibration light codes and dimensional frequencies, to ensure your intuitive gifts, desires are integrated and manifest, in alignment for your highest potential and full realization for the Twin Flames to come into Divine Union, and share their Love.

Sam Anne channels the Divine Masculine Christos & Divine Feminine Sophia energies, and the Goddess Bastet who was originally a lioness warrior goddess of the Sun worshipped, throughout most of ancient Egypt and mystically connected with the Egyptian pantheon.

✨ Activate spiritual awareness to align talents, gifts, creative pursuits and your soul's mission here on New 5D Earth with a Galactic DNA Activation.

Witness improvements from your first session.
Galactic DNA Activation for your specific goals, desires and energies. Align with your Star planets. Feel inspired, activated and renewed.Above and beyond anything you have experienced before.

✨ Consultancy Format

Consultation and Information exchange to specify the issues, concerns, intentions and Divine Union Partnership to be activated.

  • Channeled personalised Twin Flame reading
  • DNA Activation Audio file
  • Psychic Oracle to Clarify
  • Written Insight
  • Links to recommendations /Reading

The Activation is delivered after the consultation, usually within 48Hrs. The audio file content is your personal DNA Activation to call in your Divine Partner, Twin Flame and support your ascension.

Light Coded, Condensed Energy Transfer.

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