
12 month Astrological Love Compatibility Forecast (Kepler).

This is a 12 month Transits chart on your astrological love compatibility with your partner. It will give the transiting planetary trends with explanations for each transit for 12 full months ahead.
This is a chart based on the composite calculation of the natal charts and their planetary placements from the time you were born and as connected people in a relationship progressed to determined the future trends ahead of you and impacting on you as a couple for 12 months hence.
For this chart to be drawn up, I will require the following information from you for both you and your love partner:

(1) Your names (forename)(i.e. Julie Doe and John Doe).
(2) Your dates of birth (i.e. 6th June 1976)
(3) Your times of birth (please state Am or Pm) (or to the nearest hour) (i.e. 11.30 pm, 2.15 am etc)
(4) Your places of birth (to the nearest major town or city and also the country of birth) (i.e. London, England, York England etc.

I cannot draw up this chart without your precise times of birth. Generic or guessed times of birth do not enable the charting of accurate charts, so you must have your precise times of birth to enable me to draw up an accurate chart.

If your times of birth are not known I can do a birth time rectification for this but this will have to be done BEFORE you order this chart and there is a separate cost for this. It needs to be done over the phone and it will take around 20 minutes. Check my other listings for details of this additional service.
I have over 49 years of expertise to offer.
I care because you matter.
Love, light & peace,