
True Birth Time Rectification

If you do not know your true birth time you will find yourself at a disadvantage when commissioning an astrological chart.
Without your precise birth time no astrological chart will be accurate.
Additionally, the precise time of your birth and your place of birth are what determines your rising or ascendant sign. So it is crucial to have your precise birth time as this is a very important placement in any astrology chart and it also vital to know when you are in need of an astrological love compatibility chart (Synastry), because this is a chart that will determine whether you are with your true and karmically intended soul mate or not and also whether your relationship will graduate to marriage and last life long too.
I will need the following birth data for each person (you and your love partner) to do a birth time rectification:
(1) Your names (forename)(i.e. Julie Doe and John Doe).
(2) Your dates of birth (i.e. 6th June 1976)
(3) Your places of birth (to the nearest major town or city and also the country of birth) (i.e. London, England, York England etc.
(4) If you know the exact birth time for one of you please state this when ordering.
I will need to speak with you over the phone for 20 minutes to do this work and you will need to know about the family background of the family for whom this rectification is being done on, and a fair amount about the background and interests of this person. Major events with month and year of their lives etc, this enables rectification.
I have over 49 years of expertise to offer.
I care because you matter.
Love, light & peace,