
✨ Divine Masculine DNA Activation ✨

Divine Masculine DNA Activation, energises your Light Body, Etheric Body (Aura) and Spiritual cellular memory, to enable the Human Avatar to hold further light codes and higher dimensional frequencies, to ensure your intuitive gifts are integrated and in alignment for your highest potential.

Sam Anne channels the Divine Masculine Christos energies, and the Sun God Amun Ra, and the Egyptian Sun God Amun Ra, worshipped deity in the pantheon of ancient Egyptian.

Activate spiritual awareness, gifts, desires, creative pursuits and your soul's mission here on New 5D Earth.

You'll witness improvements from the first session. Feel strong, inspired, activated and renewed.

Consultancy Format:

Email Consultation and Information exchange to specify the issues, concerns and intentions to be activated.

  • MP4 Channeled Insight
  • MP4 Divine Masculine DNA Activation Audio
  • Psychic Oracle Clarification
  • Written Insight

Files will be sent to your email within a given time frame, after the consultation, usually within 48Hrs.

The audio file content is your personal upgrade to activate your divine potential to support your ascension.