
Kepler Psyche and Eros Chart on you & your love partner

Kepler Psyche and Eros Chart on you & your love partner
by Janey

Quoting the text stated in this amazing full colour illustrated Astrology chart generated by Kepler, it states:

"What is it you want to know when you are checking out a romantic relationship? Basically two things. First, you want to understand the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues each person brings to the relationship. In other words, the relationship potential of each person. And then, of course, you want to understand how the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues of one person relate to those of another person in order to see how they would get along. In other words, the compatibility analysis.

The first two sections of the complete Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis describes the relationship potential of each person. Sections 3 and 4 is the compatibility analysis and describes how the two people experience each other and the relationship from the perspective of each person.
The myth of Psyche and Eros is a love story which shows the soul's longing for -- and ultimate attainment of -- love".

Are you ready for the truth about you and your love partner and how you are really likely to relate? If so then this is the chart for you, with its amazing in depth insight!

Your chart will be sent to you by email so please state your email address when ordering. Thank you!

I care because you matter.
Love, light & peace,