
Compatibility & Conflict Astrology chart on love relationship

Compatibility & Conflict Astrology chart on love relationship by Janey

Quoting the text stated in this amazing Astrology chart generated by Kepler, (text chart not illustrated) it states:

"Welcome to the Compatibility and Conflict Report and the myriad ways of expressing the continual dance of life. This report is based on methods employed through years of working with couples, observing relationships and analysing the lives of the famous and infamous. The contacts described within this program are certainly not all the combinations possible between two people. But they are the core patterns of relationship analysis that I begin with in determining areas of compatibility and potential conflict between two people. I analyse these basic points of contact to arrive at my interpretation of what is central for an enduring relationship or for one that teaches something of importance and leaves a lasting impression. Additional parts, patterns and interpretations will be added to this report in the future.

In many of the interpretations, I've described the highest potential that one can strive for with a particular combination. Yet it is only a potential and we are human and have complex emotions and contradictory issues and reactions at any given time in our lives. Use this report as a guideline to make your relationships as rewarding and fulfilling as you possibly can. And know that your relationships are simply mirroring your own soul's struggles. Each relationship will fulfil something within you and challenge you to look at your shadow and transform yourself. Sometimes this means staying with a partner or a relationship and sometimes the learning process requires that you let the relationship go. These decisions are never easy and they should only be made after careful and truthful introspection, reflection and guidance. But ultimately, these decisions are yours and yours alone to make. Remember that variety is the spice of life and that although you may have some difficult areas of relating with a partner, it is in those areas that you can learn the most about yourself and others and grow in wisdom. It would be a mistake to look for a partner with whom you have no disagreements at all and this kind of relationship is a fantasy, rarely if ever, a reality.

Are you ready to read about your compatibility and conflict prospects with your love partner? If so then this is the chart for you, with its amazing in depth insight!

In order for me to draw up this chart I will need the following birth date for you and also for your love partner:

(1) Your names (forename)(ie. Julie and John).
(2) Your dates of birth (ie. 6th June 1976)
(3) Your times of birth (please state Am or Pm) (or to the nearest hour) (ie. 11.30 pm, 2.15 am etc)
(4) Your places of birth (to the nearest major town or city and also the country of birth) (ie. London, England, York England etc.

I cannot draw up this chart without your precise times of birth. Generic or guessed times of birth do not enable the charting of accurate charts, so you must have your precise times of birth to enable me to draw up an accurate chart.

If your times of birth are not known I can do a birth time rectification for this but this will have to be done BEFORE you order this chart and there is a separate cost for this. It needs to be done over the phone and it will take around 20 minutes. See:

Your chart will be sent to you by email so please state your email address when ordering. Thank you!

I have over 49 years of expertise to offer.
I care because you matter.
Love, light & peace,