
Kepler Karmic Insight Report

This full colour beautifully illustrated Karmic Insights report to quote the Kepler programme states:
"From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul's intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered.  From that perspective, the choices one makes in one's daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime.
This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes.
The best to you on your journey....."
Are you ready to discover your true direction in this incarnation?
If so then this is a must have report.
This is a chart on one single person.
I will need the following birth data for the person for whom this chart is being ordered, be it yourself or a loved one or friend:
(1) Full name (forename and surname)(ie. George Clooney).
(2) Date of birth (ie. 6th June 1976)
(3) Time of birth (please state Am or Pm) (if known) (ie. 11.30 pm, 2.15 am etc)
(4) Place of birth (to the nearest major town or city and also the country of birth) (ie. London, England, York England etc.
I cannot draw up this chart without a precise time of birth. Generic or guessed times of birth do not enable the charting of accurate charts.

If time of birth is not known I can do a birth time rectification for this but this will have to be done BEFORE you order this chart and there is a separate cost for this. It needs to be done over the phone and it will take around 20 minutes. See:

Your chart will be sent to you by email so please state your email address when ordering. Thank you!

I have over 49 years of expertise to offer.
I care because you matter.
Love, light & peace,