This ten-card reading has one card dedicated to every week for ten weeks ahead. As well as giving the general mood of the week, it also gives a line of guidance for that week. It helps you plan ahead, anticipate any potential problems or maximise the potential of positive times ahead.
The aim of this comprehensive reading is to give you more control over your life. Rather than being at the mercy of the unexpected, you can see what's expected and prepare accordingly beforehand. I've always had particularly good feedback regarding this popular tarot reading.
I will give a breakdown of the card, keywords and phrases associated with it, then a summary of each card relating to yourself. a short line of additional guidance will be given for each week. When making a purchase, simply choose ten numbers between one and seventy-eight. Otherwise, I can choose the cards for you. If desired, include a specific question/situation you would like my guides to focus on. Readings will be sent to your email WITHIN 24 HOURS unless specified otherwise.
Readings will begin from the Monday following the purchase date unless otherwise requested. Readings bought on a Sunday will begin on the following week on Monday.
The reading will be sent as a PDF document attached to an email. A scan of each card from the Gilded Tarot will also be shown for each card within the reading itself.