
Special offer -Shadow work love ceremony spell + reading

For a limited time only I will be offering this amazing Shadow Work Love Ceremony spell at a special price - usually £35 now 22.22

This ceremony is designed to heal the energies of a lover who is distancing themselves from the connection. Through chakra unblocking and shadow work, we’ll release fears and emotional barriers that cause them to run. The focus is on balancing the heart and root chakras, opening them to love, and fostering a deeper, more authentic connection between you both.
This ceremony will be performed over the course of 4 days and will involve Deep healing sessions to help remove blockages between you and your lover along with focusing on healing there inner shadows and get them back in alignment with you .
I will need your persons name and date of birth - a picture of them or both of you would be a bonus if you can provide this however it is not necessary.

Please provide your email address and your relationship status with your person .