
Full moon love binding spell & reading

Love binding spell to cast away old energy's that are no longing serving you in your love life and bring in new energy around love .

Manifest new energy’s into an existing live connection

Help with renewing energy’s between you and and an ex partner or past connection .

Help heal a heartbreak and bring in new love .
I will be casting this powerful enchanting ritual /spell under this upcoming powerful luminous full moon !

This sacred gathering i will be teaming up with 2 of my fellow witches to perform your spell within this next few days under the energy's of this potent super full moon in Virgo .

This is designed to help you harness the potent energy of the full moon, release what no longer serves you, and bring in your most deepest desires in your love life and Help you manifest them into your reality .
you will also receive my full moon oracle card reading.

Please provide your email when ordering .

Christie x