
Sarah Louise Intuitive

Sarah Louise Intuitive

From an early age I was fascinated by odd things... old film stars, actors and comedians, especially comedians.

I always wanted to make people laugh. I wanted to act and entertain and light up people's worlds in anyway possible. I always wanted to be someone's reason to smile.

I found I had an affinity with animals. I took pride in adopting the shaggy, old, unloved creatures of this world.... and I still do.

I also found I had an affinity with things not of this world, I was fascinated by ghosts, spooky scenarios and things unexplained... some of my best friends were dead and that seemed perfectly normal to me! :)

I knew I wasn't like everyone else and I didn't want to to be and all those odd curiosities and unique differences has made me what I am today and I'm proud of it.

As I developed as a psychic many years ago now, I was still very young and often got lead down the wrong path. This taught me a valuable lesson and I have always vowed to try and 'debunk' the image of the 'money grabbing psychic' who only thinks of the cash, rather than the client. There is no worse experience than reaching out for help in a desperate situation, only to be met with harsh words and generic information seemingly unworthy of the money spent.

I vowed never to be like that. I will always be kind, truthful and honest. If harsh truths need to be told then they will always be told in a kind and considerate manner. I will always try give more than asked for, as that's how it should be. I believe we are in service for a reason. Yes, being able to pay the bills is nice, but not as nice as knowing that what you're doing is making a difference to someone, even if it's only one person... it will mean the world to them.

I believe in keeping things simple, simple readings for reasonable prices, along with top quality magickal and healing jewellery.

I look forward to our paths crossing and I hope I can be of service.

Sarah x @The Vamp Pyschic

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188 received reviews (99% positive, 187/188)

Very helpful and detailed thank you

Hi everything went well. This lady is amazing & always giives indepth detailed readings. She is always very caring & kind & puts alot of effort at all times into her readings. She was spot on with everything & the feedback was positive. Thanks lazy moon & I'll be back for more. Take care. X

Hi reading went well. This lady is amazing she is so honest with her words & she is very caring understanding & always puts alot of effort into everything she does her readings are always indepth & very interesting. Thanks for everything lazy moon I'll be back for more. Take care. X

Sarah Louise Intuitive