This is the bit where I have to tell you about me and my background with the Tarot. I’ve always been interested in Tarot,Wicca and anything to do with the paranormal. I’ve worked with crystals, done stone healing and got my first level in Reiki. I’m still trying to find my path so I don’t have a title as such I’m just me lol.
I was given my first pack of Mystic Tarot cards 33yrs ago and I still work with that pack I have a couple of other packs but I’m always drawn back to those. Their wrapped in the black cloth they came in usually with a couple of crystals just to keep them cleansed. I was never that confident in myself to feel that my readings were good enough to read for others but the feedback I’ve had over the years has quashed any self doubt I’ve had.
I do all types of readings though I won’t answer questions that require medical advise,pregnancy or legal advice and must state readings are for entertainment purposes only. It’s always advisable to seek professional advice where needed. I also hate love triangles. And can be quite blunt if asked any questions regarding this matter.
Im not a clairvoyant reader though I do get the odd message now and again and will pass these on this is an area I’m working on and will hopefully learn to listen more, I’m attending a development and awareness group within my local spiritual church..it’s nice to be back at a church and the setting for my local one is lovely I often advise clients to attend their local spiritual church if their looking for messages from loved ones,the mediums that attend these places do it for the right reasons and not just for the money
I do also practice Wicca and do perform the odd spell now and again, again another area I’m developing more. I’ve spent so many years being and doing what others have wanted off me. I’ve forgotten how to be the real me that’s if the ever knew how to be me lol.
Thats it for now and I’ll leave you with love,light and good health. XjX
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